Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Skin Peptoxyl Intelligent Dark Circle Eraser Serum

Hi everyone~ Agnes here \(・∀・*). Today I'm going to share with you my current favorite eye product (^∀^). Before that, here I'll give you a little briefing about my eyes problem ^^

In my journey to find GOOD eye products (cream/gel/serum), I admit that I'm sucks for the advertisements (;¬_¬). I mean I know that what's written on the label products or packaging not 100% true or at least give visible result. Some of them even doesn't give any result at all T_T

Basically, my eyes always have troubles ever since hmmm....puberty I think. Just name it, dark circles yes, milia yes, and since my earlier twenties I've noticed new troubles on my eyes that are fine lines (;-_-)

Since then, I become really obsessed to find the best eye cream ( ̄へ ̄). I've read many reviews about eye cream and many of them said that it is almost impossible to eliminate dark circles. All you can do are just reduce it or use concealer to hide it (T_T). Well, of course healthy lifestyle is the most important. I'm getting used to sleep 7-8 hours a day and drink a lot of water and gues what? My dark circles getting brighter from before *yeay* \(*T▽T*)/

How about fine lines? Well, good eye creams especially for this problem will help reducing your fine lines. So, for now I'm focusing to find the right product to reduce my fine lines. Find the suitable eye cream for my eyes is not easy (  ̄д ̄;) because I have milia problem under my eyes. These milia seeds only can be removed by laser treatment by your beautician  and this procedure should be repeated at least once a year cuz those milia seeds form due to the amount of richness of any eye products you put under your eyes. If the eye cream or serum too rich, it would trigger the milia seeds to be formed even more (>д<)

For now I have already tried several eye cream/gel/serum from many different brands (*ノ・ω・)

And this is one of my favorite items:

Skin Peptoxyl Intelligent Dark Circle Eraser Serum

I bought this product when Sasa had special discount for this item USD 64.30 disc up to USD 19.90. It such a great deal, don't you think hehehe (≧∇≦)

doesn't it sound really promising? lol

no paraben, no alcohol, no parfume

I love how it feels so warm ( ̄ー ̄)
relaxing my tired eyes after working in front of computer a whole day

As usual, I always read the review beforehand and overall people rated this product 5 out of 5. Look promising, right? ^^ So, I decided to give it a try (^v^)

contains 30 ml 
quite big for an eye product

comes with a pump!

swatch on hand

clear gel texture

spread it out

absorbing process


I really like the clear texture. This serum absorbs really quickly when I dabbing it under my eyes (*´・v・). In the morning I only use this serum before applying any makeup and in the night I use it together with my eye cream 。◕‿◕。    

For those who doesn't like or sensitive with strong scent cosmetics, this serum won't give you problem cuz it doesn't have any scent at all ^.^

Did it work?

After using it more than a month, I noticed my dark circles have become brighter, not in impressive way but it really gives you visible result (*^▽^*). Maybe if I use it for a few more months, it will brighten up my dark circles more and make my under eyes area looks healthier, hoping for it (>y<)*cross fingers*

As for my fine lines, they’re look less deeper than usual. I also noticed that my eye bags reduced and my eyes area felt more firmer (*^ワ^*). I think it is good for those who have wrinkles (*^^*) 

Overall, I like this eye serum. Not love it but still like it haha (⌒▽⌒). I'll think a lot about repurchase cuz I still want to try another promising eye products hehe (^з^)

Wrapping up 

  • Gives visible results (brightens up my dark circles and reduces my fine lines)
  • Has not scent at all
  • Absorbs really quickly
  • 30 ml is such  a large amount for eye serum, so it'll last long  

  • Feels a lil bit sticky (recommended for night usage)
  • Expensive (except you buy it in special price like I did)
  • Hard to get in my country (must buy it online)
  • For those who have milia problem like me, this serum maybe will cause milia after a long term usage (I don't really care about this though cuz one a year I'll get laser treatment for my milia)

How about you? What's you favorite eye products?

Thanks for reading. Still have one more review to post. Until then, see you again! (v^_^)v





  1. wahhh kynya harus coba nihh, kok kyny bagus bgt hasilnyaaa >.<

    1. iya ciciku suka banget sama ni eye serum >.<
      aku sih masih tetep pake eye cream skinfood ku hehe :D

  2. aku smpe saat ini blum nemu favorite eye product >_< , ud byk nyoba macem2 tp ga efek ( ;∀;).
    btw, tengkiu review nya, jd niat nyobain niih serum ^^ .

    1. iya ni ci aku makin tua makin kebal aja nih kulit sama produk produk kecantikan jadi pd ga ngefek -_-
      yep, ur welcome ^^ dicoba ci siapa tau cocok jg sama ni eye serum :D

  3. hi :) Kalo boleh tanya, eye cream favorite kamu apa ya?
    Kebetulan aku lg pengen beli eye cream nih, tp bingung mau beli yg mana x3

  4. kalo aku (Jessica) eye cream favorite ku Skinfood Salmon Brightening Eye Cream :) kalo ciciku (Agnes) dia paling suka eye cream dr Kiehl's yg Line-Reducing Eye-Brightening Concetrate Eye Cream :D

  5. Ah I also have dark circle and fine lines T^T I guess my dark circle will stay with me until I graduate lol currently planning to go to south korea after I graduate to get rid of these dark circles. it costs 4 juta if I remembered correctly :p
    Pengen pake eye cream tp takut sama milia lol but currently lagi pake sample nya L'Occitane sih, semoga cocok >_<

    1. they can remove dark circle????? WHAT MAGIC IS THAT? I HAVEN'T HEARD IT BEFORE 0.0
      if I have money I would like to fix my lower teeth (they're not crooked, just slightly a bit in front than my upper teeth make my mouth looks a bit 'monyong' -__-)
      iya gila deh aku dr gada milia gara gara salah pake eye cream jadi ada bintik kecil kecil gitu di bawah mata aaaaaa >:(

    2. YESSSSS ^^ It's a little surgery though. And different cases will be treated differently :) SK is like where the magic begins right now lol
      Ah I'm on braces right now. Have been on it for almost 3 years because i didn't go to an orthodontist -__- udah bosen banget pake kawat, tp harusnya sih bbrp bulan lagi udah bs lepas ^^
      Ktanya klo terlalu rich jg bs bikin milia ya? do you read stella lee's blog? dy ada review ttg treatment laser milia loh :)

  6. Oh.. i just bought this too, at a sasa sale! It was going for 24.90 SGD. Ive been using this for about 3 weeks and noticed a slight lightening of my dark circles. Agree that this product is expensive before discount. Good luck all!

    1. thanks for the comment! :D so it wasn't only me that loving this product ;)
      can't purchase it without the discount lol

  7. Basically, my eyes always have troubles ever since hmmm....puberty I think. Just name it, dark circles yes, milia yes, and since my earlier twenties I've noticed new troubles on my eyes that are fine lines (;-_-)
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